2007-8 MCRCSP Results

Participant Demographics (N=256):

·         36%: male and 64%: female

·         70% without insurance

·         69% without regular medical doctors

·         95.2% above age 50

·         76.4% income level between $0-$24000

Low CRC screening before the enrollment were noted

·         85.9% have never used the FOBT screening kits

·         84.3% have never had a colonoscopy in the past

Unexpected higher % of participants with family history of related cancers

·         Family history of bowel cancer

o   9.1% (n=20) had 1st degree family history of bowel cancer

·         Family history of other types of cancers

o   9.7 % (n=21) had family history of other cancers; uterus cancer (n=7), lung (n=5), stomach (n=4), unknown (n=2), kidney (n=1),  breast cancer (n=1), colon (n=1)

·         Of the 21 participants, 7 patients (33%) have more than one family member with other cancer.

Use Michigan Cancer Consortium CRC -Risk Assessment, the risk Levels of Asian Americans for CRC are as follows:

l   Above average risk: 10.4% (n=24)

l   Average risk: 89.6%  (n=206)

Screening Outcomes:

·         FOBT: HAAP distributed 222 FOBT (stool) kits to Asian Americans and 133 kits returned; yielding a very high return rate of 60%.

·         Colonoscopy: Based on the FOBT and risk assessment results, HAAP identified 18 need colonoscopies (7 from risk assessment & 11 from FOBT).

As results, 15 individuals completed colonoscopies and five individuals found to have polyps.


Reasons of not to proceed with scheduled colonoscopies:

1. Scheduling conflicts with unexpected events occurred (e.g., back to China for family member illness)

2. Worry/fear about risk in perforation

3. Transportation

4. Fear of positive result

5. Fear of not being able to get treated due to job or financial situation